Changing Seasons


Today we are going to Muse about the Florida seasons.  If this is your first visit, welcome to Musings. If you have been here before, welcome back. Over time we are going to talk about many things: the past, the present, perhaps the future, travel, art, society and more. Wherever my musing takes me. I hope you will come along with me.

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What next?

Seasonal Change

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall . . . seasons all.  People regulate their lives by them.  Well . . if you are not a Floridian you probably do, but for us here in Florida there are not four seasons. There are only two . . .  warm and mild verses hot and humid.

We are entering the latter.  The trees are sprouting seed pods and greening.  There are flowers on the Royal Poincianas and the trunks of many of our palms show the green of moss.  Most telling is the lack of crowds.  People have gone home.

It is getting hotter everywhere.  I read that it was 110º in Phoenix the other day . . . in June.

I lived for many years in Phoenix and always dreaded the arrival of 110º plus days.  We could count on the entire month of August being that warm.  The difference was the first might occur in July not early June.

Fortunately,  we do not get heat like that.  But we do get humidity which, when added to the heat,  is oppressive.  We need to be mindful of people who work out of doors and the homeless.

Our winter visitors have gone home.  The traffic has thinned.  The malls are largely vacant.

Beach Time

beach couple
Sand and Sun

Florida is about the beach.  During the winter and early spring it can be an amazing milieu, teeming with people.

Beach crowd
Beach crowd

Not so much today.

No Crowds here
No Crowds here

It’s a good time to head to a restaurant. No reservations needed.

Learning Curve,

In order to promote my on-line store, I have been learning how to build an audience with Instagram and Facebook. This is pretty new to an old guy like me. New and fun. I’m having a good time with it.

I don’t know if you are familiar with Instagram reels. I wasn’t. They are essentially little movies no longer than one minute. There purpose is to draw attention to whatever you are promoting, to grow an audience

Here are a couple I have done. you might find them interesting.

We Have Something for You

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I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest.


         The trip inspired me to do some new work. Here are two.

Crowded Plaza


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Books by Thomas L. Tribby Available
Click on title below to preview

Works on Paper

On The Waterfront

Impressions of Florida

Go Figure

I have a great Web-site:

Friends is now offering Fine Art Reproductions, Fine Art Originals, puzzels, coffee cups, pillows, totebags, men’s tee shirts, women’s tee shirts and more with reproductions of my artwork.  They make for some very personalized gifts.

Tote Bags


no crowds
No crowds here either


About Thomas L. Tribby

Professional artist: painter, sculptor, print maker. Maintains a studio in West Palm Beach, Florida
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